Friday, December 17, 2010

Paging Heather...

Last night, Mark and I were watching a very funny show about attention deficit disorder. (No, really!)

Mark didn't want to watch at first, especially when they discussed ADD in kids. But he perked up a bit when they started describing ADD in adults.

"Yeah, Mom," he sneered. "Let's talk about adults--like YOU!"

"I don't have ADD," I answered confidently.

"Adults with ADD have learned to cope with it," the narrator started. I was really interested in this, so I grabbed my leopard-print Snuggie to wrap up in and listen.

"When you deal with adults, usually they don't lose things anymore. They lose time looking for their things," the narrator explained. I turned a bit red when they used a constantly lost wallet as an example.

"I don't even look for his lost wallet anymore," one woman said, echoing what my friend Vic always says about my own wallet. "I know eventually it will turn up."

I realized my arms were cold, so I turned my Snuggie around, but I couldn't find the sleeves. I turned it over and over again with no luck.

"Hyperactive talking," the T.V. said. "They interrupt frequently or--"

"Where are the dang sleeves?" I shouted, still turning my stupid Snuggie around.

"People with ADD are working their hearts out just to get through the day," said the T.V. "They do the same thing over and over again, and they just keep trying, and trying, and trying."

"Why can't I find the--Hey, I found the sleeves!" I yelled triumphantly. I smiled proudly, then realized Mark was looking at me intently and cracking up.

"What are you laughing about?" I asked. Mark pointed at the T.V., where the narrator had just finished talking about how ADD adults keep trying, and trying and trying. Pretty much exactly what I'd just been doing at that very same moment.

"OK, fine," I admitted. "Maybe I have ADD...but just a little bit."

Yes, and maybe you can be just a little bit pregnant.

1 comment:

mermaidsbath said...

OMG. that was great, Heather.