Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Living in a vacuum

The other day, I walked past Mark's room and noticed this surprising sight:

I wasn't sure if a witch came to visit and parked it there, or if it was just raining brooms in Mark's bedroom. Whatever the reason, it was too good to keep to myself.

"Kathleen, you've gotta see this!" I whispered to my cousin. She also did a double-take.

"What's up with the broom?" she called out to Mark.

He ambled down the hall, and answered casually, "Oh, it's so I remember to vacuum my room."

"By hanging a broom from your ceiling?" I asked. I was more than a little confused.

"Shouldn't you hang the vacuum cleaner from there instead?" Kathleen asked. "I mean, you're not gonna sweep your room."

I immediately nudged her in the ribs. "Don't give him any ideas!" I hissed. The last thing I need is explaining to people that Mark is all bruised up because a vacuum cleaner fell on him--from the ceiling!!

"Oh," Mark said, as if he hadn't thought of that. Then he dismissed it, saying, "Doesn't matter, I just wanted a reminder."

"You don't need a reminder," I told him, thinking of how he vacuums his room almost daily. (He really is obsessed with it--in addition to our house, he's now taken over vacuuming the classroom in his after school program, too. They love that!)

"Well, I didn't want to forget," he said. "Maybe I'll just vacuum now."

And so he did. But he's slated to wash the car this week--and I'm terrified of how he'll remind himself to do that!

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