Monday, April 22, 2013

What a difference a few years makes...

Looking at our Disney World pix brought back a lot of good memories...but it also brought up something else. A little bit of wonder, mixed in with surprise, and an overall feeling of how the heck did that happen??

I compared some photos we'd taken on our last trip to Disney to similar photos we took this time...and even though, intellectually, I realize that was five years ago, emotionally, I cannot reconcile that these are the same kids. 

For starters, my niece Nathalie, who's 14, is now taller than me...and she's not the only one (I'm talking to you, Hannah). What's also weird is that Scott, Mary and I don't look all that different (hell, Scott's even wearing the same shirt!). We look almost the same, but those kids...well, 3 of them are now teens, and the "little" one is only a few inches shorter than Mark now.





Sigh. It doesn't feel like they're growing that fast...but now I have photographic proof they are. 

Now I just have to figure out how to slow them down.


Tidepool said...

I want those little kids back!

Heather said...

Me too, Sash!