Thursday, February 4, 2016

Mark's Telemarketer Prank Backfires

After all his years of punking stoic telemarketers, Mark finally got one with a sense of humor! 
He answered the phone all giddy, hitting the speakerphone button so I could hear, too.

Telemarketer: May I speak with Heather?

Mark, in his deepest voice: This is Heather.

Telemarketer pauses, momentarily confused, then continues, offering home energy upgrades: Are your window frames aluminium?

Mark: No, my windows are GOLD. Cuz that's how I roll. I'm a baller.

Telemarketer, laughing: Oooh, that's good, I haven't heard that one!

Mark: Solid gold.

It was a first--both Mark AND the telemarketer were laughing as they hang up. (And yes, I was cracking up, too!)

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