Friday, January 21, 2011

Why do you think?

My son is cute as a button. That is the good news.

The bad news is that sometimes he is not as logical as he is cute.

This became abundantly clear as we fixed dinner together the other night. I was prepping the meat, and gave Mark veggie duty.

"Pop those frozen veggies in the microwave," I told him, so he did.

While they were cooking, he stared at the box.

"Why is this guy smiling so much?" he asked, pointing to the box.

"Because he's the Jolly Green Giant!" I answered.

"Oh. And why's he so big?" Mark asked next.

It was my turn to stare.

"Because he's the Jolly Green GIANT," I answered again, a little more slowly. "Giants know...BIG."

I waited for Mark to ask why he was green, but thankfully, he did not. I guess those logic skills finally kicked in.

I guess I should count my blessings. That's the longest conversation we've ever had about vegetables. Or, for that fact, giants.

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