Thursday, July 26, 2012

They're everywhere

Because Mark is a little jokester, I'm always on high alert. He likes to jump out and scare me, tease me, or play practical jokes on me.

So at home, I'm always thinking three steps ahead of him. And of course, the best defense is a good offense, so I try to trick or prank him before he can get me.

It's a lot of work, keeping up with a funny pre-teen. But the good news is, once he's off to school, and I'm off to work, I can relax. Let my guard down. Because I'm safe from the practical jokers.

Or am I?

I may re-think that whole "safe at work" scenario after leaving a banana on my desk the other day. I returned to find my banana had a message for me.

I totally cracked up at the message she'd carved in to my snack.

"I can't be held responsible," my co-worker, Frankie (the person, not my cat) said. "You just left it there, and I couldn't help myself."

She was right. I giggled about it all day long, and even brought it home to show Mark. He thought it was hilarious, too.

And now I realize I'm no longer safe, not even at work. It's hard work being surrounded by pranksters!

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