Wednesday, March 6, 2013


We received a brochure for diabetes summer camp in the mail the other day. I'd already signed Mark up, so I just tossed the brochure aside.

But Mark found it, and brought it to me, all excited.

"Mom, I'm on the cover!" he said, pointing at one of the many faces.

"That's awesome!" I said. "Let me see."

Mark tapped the bottom corner, and sure enough there he was!

Unfortunately, as soon as I saw him, my smile and excitement disappeared. Because yes, there was Mark, in bold, bright colors, for everyone to see. There, amidst all the other happy, smiling faces, was Mark--giving his patented goofball face., the good news--Mark made the cover of the summer camp brochure. The bad news? He was being himself. 

I just gave myself a palm to the forehead (d'oh!) but Mark thought it was hilarious. Luckily, we both have a pretty good sense of humor, so where this potentially could've been a PR disaster, it instead turns into just another funny Mark picture.

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