Tuesday, July 30, 2013

To answer your question, yes.

Yes, Mark had a fantastic time at camp. How do I know? Because:

  • He returned from camp wearing an inner tube. (He wore it the whole bus ride home.)

  • He was grimy. Like, seriously brown with dirt.

  • He was tired. Fell asleep in the car (still wearing his inner tube).

  • He was hungry. Although he did say the camp food was good, especially the snacks.

"What was the best snack?" I asked.

He immediately answered, "The ice cream sundaes. I had three."

"They let you eat three?" I gasped.

"Well, no," he admitted. "We all got one. Then, I turned my baseball cap around and went up for a second. Then I took my hat off completely and got a third sundae. It was awesome." He was so proud at his ninja disguise skills, which I'm sure fooled no one.

"And how was your blood sugar all week?" I asked.

"Well, it was 400 after those sundaes," he said, smiling sheepishly. "Totally worth it, though."

"Don't worry, I also drank a lot of milk at camp," he said. "Strawberry milk."

"They had strawberry milk at camp?" I asked.

"No, we added strawberry Crystal Light powder to the milk. It was AWESOME!"

I gagged a little bit at that.

Mark told me about the other activities--mountain biking (his group was the fastest), shooting pellet guns ("WANT. ONE. Pleeeeease, Mom?"), rappelling down rock cliffs ("No. Just no. I did NOT do that!") and even quiet time ("We couldn't even leave the cabin!"). He swam, and danced, carved watermelons, and even did a little shopping (he was super proud of his new basketball shorts that belonged to nobody. "I asked around," he said. "Nobody said those were their shorts." I sighed and explained again that this is called "stealing.")

But the easiest way to tell he had a good time? It was the second sentence he said, right after, "Hi Mom."

"Next year can I go for two weeks?" he asked, jumping up and down. "Please? PLEASE??"

And what other answer could there be that question except "Of course!"

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