Mark's done his part, too. He's worked really hard to improve his behavior this week, and very smartly attempted to suck up to me at every available opportunity.
He even went so far as to make me breakfast in bed yesterday. I could hear him banging around in the kitchen, and wondered fare was coming my way.
First, came the coffee. It was in a ginormous cup, filled to the brim, splashing on to the floor as he eased down the hall to my bedroom (thank God for laminate floors!). Next, he returned with a tray onto which were placed these two small plates:
That's right, mine was peanut-butter toast and grapes, with rosemary sprigs shaped like an "H." That melted away what was left of my angry heart.
Mark created his own breakfast recipe as well: peanut-butter toast with macadamia nuts. He said it tasted okay, but not as good as he'd hoped.
"Rise and shine!" he called out, placing the tray on my bed. "I wanted to say 'Rise and shine, it's a beautiful day!' but somebody was too busy sleeping to enjoy it." He smirked at me, and I smiled back.
And so we enjoyed our breakfast in bed. Mine was a little extra crunchy, thanks to the new toaster we'd bought the night before.
"It burnt the first piece," Mark explained. "But it worked okay after that." A quick flip of my toast revealed I was the lucky recipient of the first piece. But I shrugged and ate it anyway.
Because really, the sun was shining, my breakfast was hand-delivered, and it was indeed a beautiful day outside. And really, what more could you ask for on a Sunday morning?
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