Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas carols

It's almost Christmas, and Mark is in the holiday spirit. He's been sporting an increasing filthy Santa hat and singing Christmas carols non-stop for the past week.

Some of the songs bring me back to my own youth. Most notably is "Jingle Bells," which I remember belting out loudly and proudly just like my son -- "Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg..." Definitely not the version they play on the radio, but it's quite popular with the under-10 set. And what I love is how happily they sing it, as though they were the first generation ever to do so (again, just like we did!).

But Mark is not limited solely to timeless classics. He's also written some holiday ditties of his own. On the drive to San Diego, he serenaded me over and over again with a tune he wrote just for me.

He sang, "We wish you a beery Christmas, we wish you a beery Christmas, we wish you a beery Christmas, and a happy New Beer."

I just smiled and applauded. I was impressed with his rhyming skills and ability to hold a tune. I was equally impressed by his unrelenting enthusiasm, as he sang it over and over and over again.

And by the time I got to my parents', I had a curious craving for a beer.


Anonymous said...

i am so glad you put me in your blog. and now it is time for cheese.

Anonymous said...

sugar worx too