Thursday, April 28, 2011

One last Easter post...

This was the sign that greeted me when I picked Mark up from school last Friday. I am entitling it, "Parent of a diabetic child's WORST NIGHTMARE."

That's right, Mark won a huge jar of fruit-flavored sugar (aka 319 jelly beans). My first instinct was to gasp and skip a heartbeat, but then I realized maybe it wasn't such a bad thing.

Instead of labeling it as giant, dangerous temptation to an 11-year-old with a gnarly sweet tooth, I'm deeming it instead enough sugar to correct 21 low blood sugar episodes.

Mark initially wasn't down with that; he wanted those jelly beans right then and there. But after conning me out of a few immediate jelly beans, and satiating that sweet tooth, he liked the idea just fine.

Especially since he's been having a lot of low blood sugars around bedtime.

"I can eat jelly beans every night before bed," he said dreamily. He smiled widely; not many parents would agree to that.

See, sometimes there is an up side to having diabetes.

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