Friday, December 23, 2011

Every Breath You Take, Christmas Edition

 A recent holiday-themed conversation in my house...
Mark: "Santa's kind of a stalker..."

Me: "Wait, what? Whoa!"

Mark: "He IS. Come on, who else watches you when you sleep? And why is he watching all us kids anyway?"

Me: "So he knows if you've been good or bad." 

Mark: Silence. Then, raises his eyebrows.

Me: "He's not a stalker."

Mark: "I'm just saying...he watches me all the time to know if I've been good or bad, he watches me when I sleep, he sneaks into my house to eat my cookies and milk."

Me: "Well, when you put it like that..."

And so I had to concede that Mark had a point. Santa does leave presents, but now the idea of a jolly old man watching me all the time kinda creeps me out a bit. 

Thank you, Mark, for keeping the Christmas love alive!

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