Wednesday, May 20, 2009

That's some mad hot water

Mark's been trying out some new words again. And again, the results are hilarious.

I'd boiled some water on the stove and was pouring it into a cup.

"Be careful," Mark warned. "That water is scolding hot."

I turned to look at him. "It's what?" I asked.

"Scolding," he answered. "It will scold you."

"Scalding," I corrected him. "But good job using a new word."

He thought for a moment, then asked, "What does 'scold' mean then?"

"It means yelling," I said. "When you get in trouble, the teacher scolds you."

That cracked him up.

"Well, be careful of the yelling water, then," he said. "You don't wanna get burned -- or yelled at!"

"I will be careful," I answered. And thanked God my kid is always trying to improve his vocabulary.

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