Friday, May 8, 2009

Wrong number

Mark is always calling me from s chool for carb counts, or to report his blood sugar. As such, he's very comfortable using the phones in c lass and the nurse's office (he's better with them than I am!).

One day he called inquiring about a new battery for his meter. I told him where it was, and he said, "Hang on, I'm putting you on hold."

He returned with the new battery, and then said, "Now I'm gonna put you on speaker phone."

I realized he was putting me on speaker while he changed the battery.

"Hold up!" I told him. "Are there any adults around to change it for you?"

Suddenly I heard the substitute nurse call out, "Mark, who are you talking to?"

"My mom," he answered, and she grabbed the line. "I didn't even know he called you!" she said apologetically. It wasn't the first (or last time) he's called on his own.

Yesterday he called just as school was letting out. I recognized the class phone number and figured he was calling to report a high or low blood sugar.

But when I answered, he sounded surprised.

"Oh, sorry Mom," he said sheepishly. "I didn't mean to call you."

I was about to hang up when a thought struck me -- who else would he be calling from class?

"Hey, Mark!" I called out. "Who were you trying to call?" I couldn't even imagine.

"Kid's Club," he said, and then he hung up.

Apparently, he was going to be late to after school care, so he phoned to let them know. I was proud of him being so responsible.

And I was a little flabbergasted at how times have changed since I was a kid!

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