Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Well, when you say it like THAT...

Mark saw an interesting bottle in our fridge the other day.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Acidophilus," I answered, absentmindedly.

He immediately started snickering. I looked at him, hand clasped over his mouth, body shaking from pent-up laughter, trying very hard not to guffaw.

I sighed. I grew up with three brothers, and I've learned how boys think.

"It's not a bad word," I said.

"It is if you say it really slow," he answered. And that was that -- he couldn't hold back anymore, and erupted into full-out laughter.

He was right, it did sorta sound bad if you said it slowly. I started snickering, too, and was unable to regain my motherly composure.

Mark never recovered his composure, either. He spent the rest of the day giggling and snickering about it. It was no monkey butt, but it was pretty close.

Hey, the upside is I don't need expensive video games or electronics, because my kid is just as easily amused by funny words.

That's gotta be worth something, right?

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