Friday, October 2, 2009

Costume craziness

It's officially October, which means Mark will spend most of the month figuring out what to be for Halloween. He's actually been thinking about it for a couple months already, with Michael Jackson being the front runner.

However, we received a catalog to a party store in the mail the other day. It was devoted solely to Halloween costumes. I immediately handed it over to Mark, who keeps it in the car and reads it over whenever we're driving.

Some of the costumes befuddle him, like this one:

"What toddler wants to be a hobo for Halloween?" he asked incredulously, and I had to admit I didn't know.

Or this one, about which he asked, "What kid wants to be a whoopie cushion?"

"Not mine," I answered. I refuse to trick or treat with a four-foot whoopie cushion!

Mark's even started looking for me, too. He thought it would be funny if we went as this:

He likes that the hot dog is wearing mustard, and not ketchup (he hates ketchup).

Mark also became very excited when he saw one of my favorite things.

"Hey, Mom!" he shouted. "You wanna be a bottle of beer for Halloween?"

I giggled, but assured him I did not.

Right now, he's leaning toward the skate punker costume because he thinks he'll get a new skate board out of it, and will be sorely disappointed when I point out it's not included with the costume.

He's also thinking of being a Mac Daddy. But he's not quite sure what a mac daddy really is (looks suspiciously like a pimp to me), so that's his second choice.

I'm sure he'll change his mind as soon as we enter the store. I'm a mean mom, so I've already eliminated some of the choices right off the bat -- nothing that costs more than $30 or is violent. (He's only going to wear it once, so I refuse to spend $50 for a costume with a serial killer, or some other inappropriate choice.)

In the end, I don't think it'll matter much anyway; for him, the ultimate goal is really the trick or treat candy anyway.

For me: I'm just hoping to avoid chaperoning him dressed like a giant hot dog.

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