Thursday, October 15, 2009

What's the definition of "dream"?

Last night Mark was running a little high when I checked his blood sugar, so I woke him to use the bathroom.

He's such a deep sleeper that rousing him from his dreams sometimes has unexpectedly hilarious results. Once, Mark actually tried to karate chop me when I shook him awake. Sometimes he engages me in nonsensical conversations, and often, I have to guide his body toward the bathroom as he turns down the hallway instead.

But he was having some crazy dreams last night, because when I woke him, he told me, "I was falling into the dictionary."

I smiled and asked, "Wow, that sounds bad. What words were you by?"

He shrugged and mumbled, "I dunno, some weird word."

He never really woke up, which was good, and was back asleep in no time at all. When I asked about it this morning, he laughed along with me.

That's what I love about this kid. He's funny when he's awake, and just as funny when he's sleeping.

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