Friday, April 9, 2010


Apparently, the housing market is booming again in my neighborhood. Though I tend to think of it as your average middle-class suburb, Mark informed me I was drastically underestimating its value.

He was looking at a flyer from a local real estate agent. It listed the prices of local houses for sale, and Mark couldn't believe his eyes.

"Wow, here's a house that costs $5,500,000!" he exclaimed.

"I think you mean $550,000," I corrected.

"No, I mean five MILLION dollars!" he said. He shook his head -- he couldn't believe someone would pay that much for a house.

But the prices swing wildly up and down in the 'hood. The next house he saw is selling for much less.

"This house costs $44,900," he told me.

I reminded him to look more closely at where the commas were placed.

"It's $449,000," I told him.

But he ignored me. He'd already moved on to the next house.

"This house has a pool!" he said, excitedly. "Wouldn't that be cool, Mom? Don't you want a pool?"

"It would be cool," I agreed. "And quite a deal at $44,000."

"Yeah, we should buy that one," he said. I told him I'd get right on it.

That is, right after I go to the bookstore to purchase a math review work book. Because if he's forgotten this much after only a week of spring break, imagine how much he'll forget after a whole three-month summer vacation!

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