Friday, August 20, 2010

Well, it is nice to have visitors...

Today's laugh is provided by my nephew Johnny, who reminds me to check the Go-Gurt ingredients. I'm certain they're putting something addictive in those handy little yogurt tubes...

Johnny is three, and while already a Go-Gurt fan, he couldn't believe you could possibly make them any better. That is, until Mark introduced him to frozen Go-Gurts. Johnny's eyes lit up on his first taste, and he immediately raced home to freeze his own box.

He liked them sooooo much he insisted on eating one, then two, every time he came to my house. He ate so many, my brother Brad told him, "Don't eat all of Auntie Heather's Go-Gurts!" I guess Brad told him more than once, because the next time Johnny came over, I offered him one. Johnny just looked at me and said, apologetically, "I don't wanna eat all your Go-Gurts, Auntie Heather."

I assured him that it was okay, and that I can always buy more. He gobbled that frozen Go-Gurt up before I could finish the sentence!

A few days later, my sis-in-law Mary was driving the boys to school and camp. Johnny proudly told Mary how he had a whole box of Go-Gurts at home. Then he sent Mary into a fit of laughter when he told her, "I'm gonna eat all of Auntie Heather's Go-Gurts, and then I'm gonna go to my house and visit mine. Auntie Mary, do you want to come to my house and visit my Go-Gurts?"

He's a little stinker...

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