Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Family feud

There was a war waging in my house last night, and it had to do with picking the new American Idol.

My cousin Kathleen, Mark and I have been watching all season long, although I lost interest once my favorite, Casey, was eliminated. I still watched with Mark, cheering on his favorite, James. But when James also got the boot, I was out for good.

Kathleen, however, has been cheering for Scotty the whole time. To say she was thrilled he made it to the finals is an understatement.

Mark and I were livid. And so, approximately 3700 times last night, Mark reminded me to vote for Lauren when the phone lines opened.

He even wrote me a reminder on the bathroom mirror:

However, he was so antsy, he actually grabbed the phone at 8:59 p.m. to start calling. Kathleen read him the phone number, but he was so excited, he couldn't focus, and kept writing it down wrong. Finally, she gave him Scotty's number, and I swatted him on the head.

"If he wins, it's your fault!" I warned him.

Mark ran off to grab another pen, and Kathleen hid the phone from him. She turned it on so that when Mark grabbed the other phone, he wouldn't be able to dial out.

Which is exactly what happened. Mark went apoplectic, yelling that the phone wouldn't work. He heard Kathleen snickering in the other room, and when she announced she'd texted in 20 times already for Scotty, Mark almost lost it. He knew Kathleen was involved, but couldn't figure out how, and knew he'd get in trouble if he copped an attitude.

"I was trying to call in," he told me. "Until Kathleen ruined it for everyone..."

Mark refused to put the phone down, even after I sent him to brush his teeth.

I joined in with my cell phone, helping him call for a good 20 minutes. Finally, I realized it would be an ugly next morning if that kid didn't get to sleep soon.

I put him to bed, but he was too wound up to sleep. As soon as I went into the living room, I heard his voice in the baby monitor.

"Don't forget to vote for Lauren!" he reminded me. As though I'd forgotten in the 30-second walk out there.

Kathleen got her revenge on him. She erased his "Vote for Lorn" message and replaced it with her own new message:

Mark woke up late at night to go to the bathroom. He was 95% asleep still, and I didn't think he'd notice the sign, but he did. When I put him back to bed, I noticed that he'd replaced it with another "Vote for Lorn" message.

So no matter what happens in tonight's finale, at least one person in my house will be thrilled.

And the other one will be heartbroken. Or maybe just really mad!

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