Wednesday, November 23, 2011

At least I come by it honestly

I've never been good at judging distances. Mark can attest to this, as he sits in the back seat of my car every day, watching me park either on the curb or four feet away from it.

But this morning, I learned it's not my fault--it's hereditary. I got it from my mother, who's also missing the distance gene.

She was telling me about a whale that washed onshore in San Diego.

"It was HUGE!" she exclaimed. "Fifty feet long! It was the length of half a football field!"

"That's fifty yards, not fifty feet," my dad corrected.

"Oh, right," she said. "It was the length of FIVE PEOPLE!"

"Five ten-foot-tall people?" I asked.

She laughed again. "OK, well, it was really big," she said, and we left it at that.

Let's just hope she's never called as a witness in criminal court. Because...well, although she's amusing, she may not be all that helpful.

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