Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I just had to ask...

Anything important--notes, reminders, dates--goes on my bathroom mirror.

I write them there using a dry erase marker, because it's the only place in the house I can't misplace. I've spent numerous hours searching for post-it notes and shopping lists, but I've never once misplaced my mirror.

Mark also enjoys leaving notes on the mirror, like this one:

That's right, apparently, I'm a Cowboy Mom. I had a few questions about this, which I addressed on the board.

(In case you can't read the chicken scratch I call writing, I asked if I had freckles, or just really bad acne. Then I signed it "CowGIRL Mom.")

He replied right away the next morning. His answer?

"They WERE freckles until you said that. Now it's bad acne. Nice pimples, Mom."

I think it was all said out of love, but I'm not 100% sure.

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