Thursday, November 10, 2011

Size matters

I made a quick stop at the grocery store the other day. As Mark headed for the shopping carts, I said, "I'm only getting a couple things."

"You don't need a cart?" he repeated.

"Nope," I said.

"OK, I'll get something that just holds a few things," he said. I meant to get a basket, but this is what he returned with:

Note to self: Be more specific next time. On the plus side, I couldn't possibly lose him in the store, since his cart had a very nice "Customer in training" flag waving from it.


jillsifer said...

Mark's capers are EXACTLY what you deserve. ;-)

Heather said...

Mean Jill!! Where's the sweet little angel I really deserve? You know, the Mama's boy who thinks the world of his dear old Mom?