Monday, November 14, 2011

Cleaning house

Mark and I have been arguing a lot lately about picking up the house. Well, actually, maybe arguing isn't the correct description--what I really mean is, I've been yelling at Mark to put his stuff away, and he has been soundly ignoring me.

Case in point: His yo-yo. I swore that if I saw that thing lying around the house one more time, I would throw it away. This is not an empty threat.

However, Mark managed to one-up me. He did put his yo-yo away...sort of. At least, he moved it from the dining room table and from his bedroom floor, and hung it up.

My issue was not that he hung it up; it was more with where he hung it up:

That's right, the light switch in the bathroom. Not exactly where I was hoping he would put it away, but at least it's not on the floor.

Sigh...I lose again, on a technicality.

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