Monday, March 19, 2012

The return of St. Baldy

St. Patrick's Day means one thing in our household--a bald head! That's right, my dear, philanthropic young son shaved his head for the fourth time in support of kids with cancer (for more info, go to I'm so proud of Mark!

This is a big deal because my kid LOVES his hair. He loves it even more since becoming a middle-schooler, which means he spends countless hours in the bathroom brushing his hair, and I spend an equal amount of time yelling at him to clean the hair out of the sink. 

He's tried a few new hairstyles, but his two favorite are what I'll call the Justin Bieber (carefully flipped to one side ad nauseum) or the Dumb and Dumber (all hair brushed forward a la Jim Carrey). He rotates evenly between the two.

So to sacrifice his thick, luscious locks is a big deal. I worried he would bow out at the last moment, but once again, he did not. He came home sporting an almost glowing white head. Everyone who sees him involuntarily runs their hands across his stubbly head--you just can't help it. He looks like a little Army recruit, except way cuter and sweeter.

Besides raising money for cancer research, Mark gets a reward he loves almost as much as his hair: To prevent sunburns, the school lets all the bald kids wear hats to school. This is a dream come true for Mark. He love love loves his baseball hats, so wearing one to school is heaven for him.

The only problem is, he buys the hats when he has hair, and they fit fine. However, they are way too big without hair.

Luckily for Mark, he washed and dried his favorite Dodgers hat earlier this year (he didn't feel lucky at the time). It shrunk in the drier, and he was crushed. 

But now, it's just a tad bit too big on his bald head--I thought it looked fine, but what do I know? I'm just a dumb, fashioned-challenged mom, and I have no idea what is sick anymore (hey, come on, give it up for my correct use of "sick." Although I probably lose cred for having to point out that I'm up--or is it down?--with the current slang terms.)

Mark decided to forgo ALL baseball hats, opting instead for his second favorite hat: a beanie. He's quite proud of this one:

I have to hand it to him, the kid knows how to make a statement. He wore the hat all day yesterday, and everyone who saw him laughed and complimented him on his fancy green Kermit the Frog hat.

That's right, cuz it's sick.

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