Friday, September 26, 2008

Cello, I love you, won't you tell me your name?

I usually know which things Mark will love immediately... a new Pokémon book, anything Gameboy related, Star Wars tattoos, donuts, his drum set, just to name a few. But sometimes he surprises me.

This week had one of those surprises. He LOVES his new cello! He played it a few times, even though it's not the most intuitive instrument. On Wednesday, he asked what day it was. When I told him, he counted out two fingers and then pumped his fist into the air, yelling, "YES! Only two more days till cello lessons!"

So today, Friday, was finally the big day. I reached for the cello, figuring I'd wheel it to school (the case is as big as he is!), but he beat me to it. "I'll pull it," he said, not offering so much as insisting.

"Are you sure?" I asked. There are a lot of curbs and bumpy sidewalks between home and school.

"I'm sure," he said, and before I could argue any more, he was out the door.

And pull it he did. He walked it carefully across the street, making sure not to tip it over. When we came to the first curb, he again refused my help, lifting it down the curb gently, and carrying it across the street. He avoided every puddle (a first) and didn't even run off toward the playground when I left him in front of the school.

He told me how many kids in his class signed up for cello vs. violin--exactly four. He was proud to be part of such a small group. "Everyone else picked the violin," he said, smirking, as though he couldn't believe anybody would ever make such a crazy choice.

I know it's all part of the "I-have-a-new-toy" syndrome, where he lavishes attention on his newest acquisition. He's already tried cleaning it, like he does with everything he loves, including his drum cymbals. (And I gave him the same talk I did after discovering the tell-tale whitish rings on the cymbals--NO WATER ALLOWED! Water and wood, like water and metal, do not mix.)

He'll probably tire of it after a few weeks lugging that big case to school. But until then, it's pretty sweet to watch...

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