Monday, September 8, 2008

Really? Aren't your friends gonna laugh at you?

File under: Only in Orange County...

I saw an odd bumper sticker today. Actually, the bumper sticker itself wasn't that odd, it was the combination of the sticker and the car it was on.

The bumper sticker simply read, "McCain." The car it was plastered to? A Toyota Prius!

It cracked me up. The Prius is the ultimate symbol of the tree-hugging left-wing liberals, while not exactly the presidential choice of said tree-huggers. (Of course, I'm generalizing here, and there may be plenty of conservatives who drive Priuses, I just haven't met any of them yet.)

Who knew you could support conserving fuel by driving a hybrid, while at the same time, support a candidate who's for drilling oil in our national parks and along our coastlines?

You've gotta admire a person confident enough to send those two mixed messages. I mean, if that driver is a liberal, his friends are gonna mock him for that McCain sticker...and if he's a conservative, they're gonna make fun of him for driving a Prius. It's a no-win situation.

Or maybe I'm reading too much into it...that guy probably just bought the Prius so he could drive in the carpool lane...

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