The air was bitter, acrid--you could smell the smoke in it, until the burn moved into the back of your throat and settled there uncomfortably. I cancelled the long bike ride I promised Mark today, concerned about the unhealthy air. Even the mailman wore a surgical mask as he walked his route.
The sky was really strange, sharply divided in color like a little kid's drawing: clear blue on the bottom half, smoggy brown on top.
It even affected the sun. Shrouded by a brown haze, it peeked over the trees, glowing an eerie red like the fires. It looks like a sunset, but I took this picture at 2 in the afternoon.
I feel just horrible for all the people who've lost their homes, or are being evacuated. I hope the evacuees, and their homes, all remain safe.
Here's another photo I took in the back yard:
In happier news, Jacki Brunk is in town for a conference. She's staying with us, which has been great fun. She's so good with Mark, challenging him to play The Game With No Name (aka Loose Hair) and to give her drum lessons.
We visited Jacki's local favorite haunts, the places she misses since moving to Illinois. Last night Mark helped my mom babysit Johnny--Mark wore his baseball batting helmet to protect himself from the cars and trains Johnny tosses at his head.
Which gave Jacki and I a mom's night off. We went to dinner at our favorite brewpub on the beach, followed by a pitcher of beer at the local no-longer-a-dive dive bar. Tonight, it's dinner at a local Mexican restaurant; apparently, there's not a lot of good, authentic Mexican cuisine in the Chicago 'burbs.
I've forgotten how much fun it is to have houseguests. Anyone else wanna come visit? (You might wanna wait till the fires are out...)
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