Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm an evil genius, part 2

Mark feeds our cats every night. Lately, he's been lazy, spilling canned food onto the counter and not cleaning it up (so gross!).

I've asked him to clean up but he just shrugs it off. So, tired of nagging, I came up with a solution.

A couple nights ago, I asked him to clean up. He did not. As soon as he went to bed, I wiped down the counter myself.

The next morning, I called him into the kitchen. I talked to him while making his sandwich on the very same counter.

After feeding the cats that night, I reminded him again to wipe down the counter.

"I did," he told me, though I knew he hadn't.

"Oh good," I replied, kissing him on the head. "Because that's where I make your lunch. I wouldn't want any cat food on your sandwich!"

He immediately stiffened up, remembering I'd made his lunch on that spot. (He didn't know I'd wiped it clean.)

"I thought you make my lunch on the cutting board," he said.

"Well, the counter's clean, right?" I asked. "Since it's next to the bread box, I just make it there."

Silently, he moved to the sink, and returned with a sponge, wiping up the area.

Haven't had to ask him to wipe down the counters since.

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