He couldn't find his neckerchief, so he improvised, wearing a new Christmas gift instead -- a clip-on tie. (My mom bought him two, which I thought he'd hate -- but he loves them! He wore one clipped onto a t-shirt last week.)
Mark's shirt was casually unbuttoned, revealing his undershirt. Rather than buttoning it up and adjusting the tie under his collar, he just clipped the tie onto his shirt in the middle of his chest. It looked pretty funny -- I'm sure he'll be the only Cub Scout tonight wearing a tie.
I had my own clothes drama this morning, as well. I'd been at work a whole two minutes when I noticed a thread dangling from my blouse. I brushed it away (and perhaps tugged at it absentmindedly) when suddenly pop! A button dropped onto my desk, and in my hand was the thread that, mere seconds earlier, held it in place. Dang it!
"So it's gonna be one of those days, is it?" I sighed.
It wasn't a discreet lower button, either -- it was smack in the middle of my blouse. I panicked briefly, then thought "It's OK, I can fix this." Turns out no, MacGyver, I can't.
If you have an emergency sewing kit or safety pins at your desk, you're more prepared than I am! I glanced around my office and saw a stapler, a long T-shaped push pin, and some tape. I'm embarrassed to admit I considered using each one. (I even tried the stapler!)
I finally found a passable solution -- my dad will be proud to hear I used a binder clip. (He loves binder clips so much I gave him a box for Christmas once -- and he was genuinely excited! Now I know why.) I clipped the inside of my blouse and voila! the gap was gone. It was replaced by my awkwardly bunched-up blouse, but whatever. At least I wasn't flashing my belly at the whole world!
Luckily, I didn't have any meetings this morning. I hid out in my office, and had just one close call when my boss stopped by to chat. I tried to look natural, but you can only fold your hands over your belly for so long before it makes people nervous ("My, that Heather's such a...pious employee!")
During lunch, I'd planned to buy Mark wool socks for our trip next week. I also ended up making another purchase -- a new blouse for myself, which I changed into before returning to work.
And I made sure there weren't any buttons on it!
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