I make Mark sort his own clothes, but sometimes when we're running late, I just do it myself. Boy, did I find a surprise when I dumped his hamper on the ground yesterday.
Besides dirty clothes, all of these objects tumbled out as well:
I was surprised to see all of that stuff--I'm guessing Mark's bed is too crammed underneath to shove in any more crap. So I guess the hamper is his new go-to storage area when I yell at him to pick up his floor.
I wasn't surprised to see the hats (two of them!) or the belt. I was kinda surprised to see the shoe, but only because there was just one, not both. What really surprised me was this:
Yup, that's right, a peanut. Or rather, half a peanut. I have no idea why there was half a peanut rolling around in the hamper, except that maybe it fell out of Mark's pocket. Which also concerns me, because I'm trying my best to raise a man, and not a squirrel.
I suppose this was a nice, gentle reminder to keep checking not only Mark's pockets, but his hamper as well. Because apparently, crayons are not the worst thing I might put in the washer!
definitely, ALWAYS check the pockets. Our washer was recently taken out (the morning Nattie was coming home from band camp, no less) by a small plastic (curse you, oriental trading company!) lizard that wriggled under the agitator and wedged there, burning out the motor. Three weeks, $150 and three hours later, I have a washing machine again, and a grumpy husband, who was all beat up from replacing said motor. I am fanatical about checking pockets, and not just because I get to keep any found money.
Yikes! OK, goo advice, RuthAnn! I will be more diligent about checking!
Stinkin' plastic lizards...
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