Thursday, May 6, 2010

Catch this

Mark has a new favorite past-time: playing catch in the backyard. He loves it so much he hurries through whatever chores he has without complaint just to squeeze in some time tossing the football. (He loves the actual football, too, a speedy little Nerf number that whistles as it flies through the air.)

I love it because, well, he hurries through his chores without complaint. I also love it because it provides us time to goof around, be silly,and just talk about our day.

Although talking about our day has its own landmines. That's when I discover whether my parenting skills are actually working, floundering, or falling on deaf ears. It's also when I learn I should set a better example.

Last night I asked Mark about his friend, Kevin, and how he's doing.

"Good," Mark replied, tossing the ball. Standard boy answer, short and sweet.

Shrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee! The ball whistled into my hands, and landed with a thump.

"Yeah?" I answered. I tossed it back to him. Shreeee!

"Yup," Mark said. "Every day, I say to him, [affecting a high-pitched, obnoxious voice] 'Hiiiiiiiiiii, Kevin!' and he just says back, [in a normal voice] 'Hi Mark.'"

Shreeeeee, thump.

"Why do you have to be so annoying?" I asked, after a moment.

"Because it's FUN!" he shouted back. "You should try it!"

"I have," I answered. "I annoy my friends all the time."

"Isn't it fun?" he asked, grinning widely.

"It is," I admitted. "A lot."

Making me realize that if you want to do a little introspection or a self-character analysis, you don't need a mirror. You just need a little kid and a Nerf football.

Shreeeeeeeee, thump.

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