Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Put a ring on it

Sometimes my son's logic and reasoning skills surprise even me.

"Hey Mom, check this out!" he called to me, holding up a brown acrylic ring he'd won at a friend's birthday party.

"That's cool," I told him. "Lemme see it."

He started to place it in my hand, then immediately pulled it back.

"Be careful," he warned. "It got stuck on my finger twice." And with that, he popped it on to show me -- getting his finger stuck a third time.

I couldn't help giggling.

"Really?" I asked.

"Dang it," he cursed, tugging and twisting. "I...can't...believe...it... won't... come... off...AGAIN!" And with a huff and a puff, he pulled the ring off.

I put out my palm. "Hand it over," I said, "before you break a knuckle."

He just smiled and agreed. And went to put some ice on his finger.

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