Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Body snatchers got my kid

Disclaimer: Please excuse the plethora of exclamation marks in today's entry. It's not often that any--let alone ALL--of these events occur, and I couldn't help myself.

I'm not sure exactly when, but sometime yesterday, aliens abducted my kid.

How do I know? Because my son usually comes home from school hungry and cranky. This new kid was not only happy, he actually brought in the trashcans without complaining, then helped me prepare dinner.

He fed the cats, asking just once for help. "Mom, can you open it for me?" he said, handing over this can:

He was all smiles and love when I saw his message, very proud of himself.

It went on this morning as well. A happy, laughing little boy jumped into bed and woke me up. That same boy was completely dressed and ready to go when I got out of the shower--not only was his bed made, he was eagerly making my bed!

And then we walked to school--together! He was not dragging 10 steps behind me, or running 15 ahead, like he usually does--he actually walked next to me, like respectable folks, carrying on a conversation.

I couldn't get over it all. He started skipping away once we hit the edge of the school, and I decided to push my luck.

"Bye, Mark!" I shouted to him, and suddenly, the skipping stopped. Now comes the grumpy part, I thought to myself, waiting for him to turn around and scowl at me.

Instead, he turned around, skipped back, and hugged me--in public! As other kids were walking past! And smiled! All this, from the boy who hates to acknowledge he even has a mother in front of his classmates--this boy smiled and very publicly embraced me.

And with that, he was gone. He skipped off to class, waving, and shouted, "Bye, Mom!" Then I picked myself up off the ground, and headed home, smiling the whole way.

I'm not sure when the aliens will return the real Mark, but I hope to keep this easygoing Mark at least a few more days.

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