Tuesday, October 21, 2008


It's not often you hear news so great you simply can't stop smiling. But that's exactly the type of news I received this morning...

My friends Kelley and Rob got their baby, Romi, today! They have waited patiently, subsisting on the few pictures and videos their adoption agency sporadically sent them. But finally, this past weekend they packed their bags (and the baby's, too!) and traveled clear across the world. Today, in Taiwan, in a time zone far, far away, it all paid off. Today, for the first time ever, they held their baby son in their arms.

I wish I could write all sorts of wise, wonderful things about the journey that awaits them (I'm talking about the baby here, not the trip home!). But that's the beauty of becoming a parent--their path is shared, and similar, to other parents, and yet, at the same time, completely their own.

And so, instead of giving my own wordy advice, I simply say, "Hooray!!!"

Welcome to the family, Romi--we can't wait to meet you! And CONGRATULATIONS to your mom and dad, Kelley and Rob, two of my favorite people in the world.

And so the journey begins...

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